Jim Close Community Garden

During the months of August and September, 2024, City Market in Buena Vista donated $1 for each reusable shopping bag sold to our Community Garden!

The Jim Close Community Garden was chosen again as the recipient of donations from bags sold in February and March of 2025!

These funds will be used for maintenance and improvements to the garden which will be apparent in the 2025 Spring Growing Season!

Thank you to City Market!

The community garden is a place to raise fresh vegetables and enjoy the fruits (or veggies!) of your labor. With watering and fertilizing provided, all you have to do is plant, weed and harvest! 4’x4′ raised plots are available to church members, the general public and community groups. There are 24 plots in total. The cost is by donation.

To get yours, please contact Robin in the church office at 719-395-2544 M, W, Th, from 9-2 (otherwise leave a message) or email to office.bvcucc@gmail.com.

Registration forms are available at the church office. The garden is located next to the swing set on the south side of the church.          

Rules and Regulations

New growth making Patty smile!

Just some of our enthusiastic gardeners!