LGBTQIA+ and Ally Teen Social began on Monday evenings in May.

Our CUCC Annual Meeting in February 2024 where we welcomed new members of the congregation!

On August 27, 2023, the congregation gathered for an outdoor Worship Service, followed by an all-church picnic! We are thankful to our Facilities Team for maintaining our beautiful outdoor spaces!

A Celebration of Life was held for Ron Hassell on July 8, 2023. He will be missed!   
On June 14, 2023, Scott Cook & Pamela Mae performed a concert at CUCC. The music was inspiring and everyone had a great time.
Easter Services were a breath of Spring on April 9, 2023. Families decorated the Cross with flowers and enjoyed special music for the holiday.
Christmas Caroling to our Church Friends and Families on December 18th, 2022! It was cold, but our carolers warmed up after the singing with hot soup and drinks.

Debby brought Roger out for the day from Denver and we celebrated BIG on June 26 both at church and at a party afterwards at Jan’s Restaurant.
Easter Sunday Service and Flowering of the Cross, April 17, 2022

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Lenten Service, March 16, 2022 at CUCC with Grace Church

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TELLS Shrove Tuesday Celebration, March 1, 2022
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Dec. 24, 2021 
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All-Church Christmas Program, Dec. 12, 2021 – “More Than a Gift”

All Saints Service, Oct. 31, 2021


“The Elephant in the Room: A Co-Ed Day Retreat on Reconciliation & Restoration of Relationship” – October 5, 2021 in Nathrop

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Pastor Poos and CUCC members proclaim an important message with an additional banner on the side of the church.