We are strongly affiliated with the United Church of Christ, a denomination which was established by the merger of the Congregational/Christian and the Evangelical and Reformed Churches in 1957. The UCC acknowledges as sole head Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. It acknowledges as kindred all who share in this confession. Its ecumenical spirit is nourished by Jesus’ prayer, “That they may all be one.” No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
The church is congregational in polity, grounded in Scripture, and historically focused on social action. We affirm God’s love for all people, regardless of race, gender, orientation, social standing or ethnicity.
Our worship is joyful with a balance of liturgy and informality. We include all ages in our worship and enthusiastically welcome children. Music is a significant part of our celebration. We present a theologically open and moderate/liberal voice in our community. The Scriptures are central to our worship. We use the lectionary for worship themes. The sacrament of communion is celebrated at least once a month, and our table is open to anyone who in faith desires to receive it, whether a member of the church or not.
CUCC’s Mission, Identity & Purpose Statement
and Open & Affirming (ONA) Covenant
(Adopted Unanimously at Annual Meeting, Feb. 4, 2024)
The Congregational United Church of Christ of Buena Vista, as followers of Jesus, are committed to exploring together Jesus’ teachings, his actions, and his justice to better love, respect, and welcome all people. We seek fellowship and unity with all God’s children by:
- facing issues of faith openly and honestly
- nourishing the spirit of God within us all
- creating a caring community that celebrates human diversity
- respecting the wisdom of other religious traditions
- working with others to create a just society
- promoting the sustainable and equitable use of the earth’s resources
To that end we receive with respect, and nurture with intention, the gifts of all who come to us on the journey of faith. We invite everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, physical or mental challenges, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, to join us in the life and leadership of our congregation, and in our ongoing commitment as an Open & Affirming (ONA) Congregation.
Congregational United Church of Christ of Buena Vista
- We seek to think of each other as Children of God, made in the image of God, to be treated as sisters and brothers in Christ.
- We will strive to listen respectfully to how others prefer to be treated.
- We will act with kindness and respect while speaking truth in love and being honest with each other. Therefore, we will seek to listen with interest and curiosity, keeping an open mind.
- We will share our time, gifts and talents, bringing positive energy to groups and projects.
- We will build up the community by bringing any grievances we have directly to the persons involved or to the Pastor/Congregation Relations Committee.
- We will seek honest reconciliation of disagreements and practice forgiveness.
- We will each try to be worthy of the trust and confidence of our fellow members.
(Adopted by CUCC Council September 15, 2021)
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